New article by Rosemarijn Hoefte on indentured labor in the long nineteenth century

‘Indenture in the Long Nineteenth Century’ in: Seymour Drescher, David Eltis, and Stanley L. Engerman (eds),  Cambridge World History of Slavery Volume IV, AD 1804-AD 2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 610-632.

The fourth volume of the Cambridge World History of Slavery explores the various manifestations of coerced labor in Africa, Asia, and the Americas in the nineteenth and twentieth century. The volume is divided into four parts: Overview; Slavery; Abolition; Aftermath.

Rosemarijn Hoefte’s chapter in the final section discusses indentured labor in the long nineteenth century. She emphasizes that indentured labor was not an intermediate phase in a teleological development from slavery to free labor. It existed in places without a history of slavery and in other settings where enslaved, free, and indentured laborers worked side by side. She also shows that the way the system was implemented showed clear variations in time and locality.

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