Governance, Markets and Citizens (2013-2017)

Led by Henk Schulte Nordholt and (from August 2014 onwards) Dr Jacqueline Vel, this projects aims to coordinate three separate projects funded by the Dutch Indonesian SPIN Program: (1) Social and economic effects of partnering for sustainable change in agricultural commodity chains, coordinated by Prof. Pieter Glasbergen, Maastricht University and Prof. Bustanul Arifin, Agribusiness University of Lampung; (2) Local and regional dimensions in Indonesia’s social and economic development: a governance approach, coordinated by Prof. Henri de Groot, VU University Amsterdam and Prof. Ari Kuncoro, University of Indonesia; (3) From clients to citizens? Emerging citizenship in democratizing Indonesia, coordinated by Prof Gerry van Klinken and Prof Henk Schulte Nordholt (KITLV Leiden) and Prof Bambang Purwanto, UGM Yogyakarta.

This overarching program aims to identify key aspects of socio-economic and political developments in contemporary Indonesia. In November 2014 a workshop in Yogyakarta will be held to discuss developments on the separate projects and to formulate a common research strategy.

This overarching program aims to identify key aspects of socio-economic and political developments in contemporary Indonesia. Governance will be the main theme fort his collaborative project. During  the mid-term workshop in Yogyakarta in November 2014 the participants explained  how the concept of governance is incorporated in the three projects, and discussed how these varying disciplinary approaches can complement one another. Through the focus on governance the three projects together aim to increase knowledge about the ongoing democratisation process in Indonesia


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