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Berge, Dr. Tom van den

Tom van den Berge is a researcher at KITLV working on a biography of I.S. Kijne, 1899-1970, a Dutch missionary in New Guinea, and working on the Dutch Military Operations in Indonesia, 1945-1950 project.

Tom graduated from Leiden University with a PhD thesis on late-colonial Sundanese poetry. He lectured on Sundanese and on Indonesian history at the Department of Southeast Asian and Oceanian Studies, Leiden University. In 2009-2010 Tom was an affiliated fellow at the International Institute of Asian Studies, where he worked on a biography of H.J. van Mook, the controversial lieutenant-governor-general of the Netherlands Indies.

In 2001 Tom began his position at KITLV as an editor. From 2003 till 2012 he was editor of Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, an interdisciplinary journal on Southeast Asia, with a strong focus of Indonesia. Since 2013 he is a researcher at KITLV. His research interests include the relations between religion, mission and empire building; masculinity in late-colonial Indonesia; political relations between Dutch East Indies/Indonesia and Indochina/Vietnam, 1945-1965.

Selected Publications

Berge, Tom van den. ‘Picasso in the tropics: European modern painting in Indonesia, 1920–1957’, in: Susie Protschky and Tom van den Berge (eds), Modern times in Southeast Asia, 1920s–1970s. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

Berge, Tom van den. ‘Indonesisch geweld tegen de burgerbevolking in West-Java, 1945–1949’: Een verkenning’, Leidschrift 31:57–77, 2016.

Berge, Tom van den. H.J. van Mook 1894-1965: Een vrij en gelukkig Indonesië. Bussum: THOTH, 2014.

Berge, Tom van den. Karel Frederik Holle: Theeplanter in Indië 1829-1896. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 1998.