24 Feb Vierjarig onderzoeksprogramma Dekolonisatie, geweld en oorlog in Indonesië, 1945-1950
Vierjarig onderzoeksprogramma Dekolonisatie, geweld en oorlog in Indonesië, 1945-1950. Site onderzoeksprogramma www.ind45-50.org online. ...
Vierjarig onderzoeksprogramma Dekolonisatie, geweld en oorlog in Indonesië, 1945-1950. Site onderzoeksprogramma www.ind45-50.org online. ...
By KITLV researcher Chris Chaplin. As Jakarta heads to the polls, Chaplin argues that evoking Islamic identity and the opportunistic use of religious symbols in this election has set a dangerous precedent for ...
New full open access publication on citizenship and democratization in Southeast Asia, edited by Ward Berenschot (KITLV), Henk Schulte Nordholt (KITLV) and Laurens Bakker (UvA). By providing ...
In Bangkok, the mourning of King Bhumibol Adulyadej has become part of the city’s daily life. David Kloos took pictures. When King Bhumibol of Thailand died on 13 October 2016 hundreds of thousands took to the streets ...
By KITLV researcher Paul Bijl. In 1945 and under the pseudonym Sjahrazad, Indonesia's first prime minister Sutan Sjahrir and his wife Maria Duchâteau published a ...
"See what is left of our rubber trees", says Titik, the leader of a group of angry villagers. After a magnificent boat ride through majestic forest, I met his group in Rawang, Central Kalimantan, standing at the edge of ...
NWO Geesteswetenschappen heeft vanuit de Vrije competitie geesteswetenschappen een subsidie toegekend aan het onderzoeksproject 'Politiek...
Framing Asia will be a monthly filmscreening during the Leiden Asia Year, organised by the KITLV, IIAS ( and the department Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden University. Framing Asia is ...
Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is expected to pay a state visit to the Netherlands this year. Visits by Indonesian presidents to the Netherlands have been accompanied by...
With great sadness we inform you that Peter Boomgaard passed away yesterday evening. His situation had been critical since early November 2016. KITLV has lost an eminent scholar, a good colleague and a dear friend....