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Boekpresentatie | Koloniaal Haarlem

Boekhandel De Vries van Stockum Haarlem

Gemeente Haarlem nodigt u uit voor de boekpresentatie van Koloniaal Haarlem. Het boek Koloniaal Haarlem is geschreven door Rosemarijn Hoefte, Henk Schulte Nordholt, Dineke Stam en Mariette van Wenum.

Land and adat: A double seminar on customary rights in Indonesia

KITLV, room 1.68 & via Zoom

Almost 25 years ago the Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) was founded in Jakarta. The establishment of AMAN generated hope that in democratizing Indonesia, adat - a term referring both to customary rights and traditions - would be better respected, thereby giving Indonesian citizens more control over their natural resources.

Seminar | The Dutch colonial past in the Indonesian present and future historical narrative | Bambang Purwanto

KITLV, room 1.68 & via Zoom

The historiographical differences and memories between Indonesia and the Netherlands regarding the Dutch colonial period in the Indonesian Archipelago are very real. Indonesia needs to maintain the historical narrative of Dutch present in the Indonesian Archipelago to legitimize its existence as an independent and sovereign nation-state.

In-house film screening | Colonial Debris [Tanah Moyangku]

KITLV, room 1.68 Reuvensplaats 2, Leiden

This documentary builds on, and employs the findings of KITLV’s research project ‘Palm oil conflicts and access to justice in Indonesia’. The English version of this documentary is called ‘Colonial debris’ and will be launched early 2024.

Seminar | Whither Indonesian Economy in 2045 | Teguh Dartanto

KITLV, room 1.68 Reuvensplaats 2, Leiden

In this joint LIAS (Leiden Institute for Area Studies) and KITLV Southeast Asia (SEA) Seminar Series, Teguh Dartanto will share his insights on three interrelated Indonesian economic issues.

Seminar | Of evocative fragment: Kramat and the “Hindu-Buddhist” hauntings in the gravesite of Sunan Sendang | Panggah Ardiyansyah

KITLV, room 1.68 & via Zoom

This lecture cultivates decoloniality in the field of Indonesian art history and archaeology by deconstructing the colonial and then nationalist categorisation opposing ‘classical’ Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic antiquities, and by reconstructing in turn the long history of the ancient Hindu-Buddhist materials across times and cultures in probing appropriations, transactions and reconfigurations.