Medina Collazo MSc, Nicole

Nicole is a PhD researcher at the KITLV and Leiden University. Her research focuses on the governance of climate change adaptation in the Caribbean. It aims to address the adaptive capacity of coffee production in Puerto Rico through multi-level governance in the aftermath of climate disasters.

Nicole has a BA in International and Global Studies from the University of Central Florida, an MSc in Environmental Sustainability from the University of Edinburgh, and an MSc (cum laude) in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam. Her Master’s research focused on the introduction of the concept of a ‘Sustainable food future’ in the 2018 G20 in Argentina. It delved into the way in which prior knowledge mediates the way the concept is made sense of in the context of national agri-food policies in Argentina and explored the use of language as the mechanism for sense making through its capacity for creating meaning and representation. Her research interests include agroecology, food sovereignty, political ontology, and decoloniality.