01 Nov Vacancy: Postdoc position ‘Exploring Indian influences in Javanese civilization’
KITLV currently has a vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher to help with the proof-reading of a book manuscript, scheduled for publication in the summer of ...
KITLV currently has a vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher to help with the proof-reading of a book manuscript, scheduled for publication in the summer of ...
The KITLV in Leiden invites applications for a PhD candidate (0,84 - 1,0 FTE), starting date February 1, 2023. The subject of this PhD project is: ‘How and whom are we healing? The colonial built environment, affect, body ...
Tom Hoogervorst has been appointed adjunct professor at the Department of Indonesian, Faculty of Letters, at the State University of Malang, from September 2022 ...
The journal NWIG has published a new issue. It includes 2 articles: 'She has not been seen or heard of since: Gender, incarceration, and punishment in The Bahamas, 1860s–1920s', by Anne Ulentin and 'Sustenance and survival: Women, food and sovereignty...
We are looking for a postdoctoral candidate for this very innovative project. You will be based at KITLV and take care of the implementation of this project. You will do so together with project coordinators ...
“What’s the point?” you inquire, adjusting your pince-nez sceptically. And to that, we reply: loanwords are monuments of cultural contact. Once detected as such, they reveal human agency and encounters previously concealed by the misty shrouds of time...
This new research project studies comparatively how social media-based public opinion manipulation is organised in Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia. Computational ...
New advanced article in the New West Indian Guide: 'Practices of (micro)marronage; Manbos, solidarity, détours, and heritage in Fabienne Kanor’s Humus', by Aaron Thomas Witcher....
[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] The city of Tilburg has commissioned KITLV to research Tilburg’s colonial and postcolonial past. The project is divided into 2 parts: [/vc_column_text][vc_separator type="transparent"][vc_column_text] 1) Archival research: studying the city’s colonial history until the end of the colonial era (mid-20th century). 2)...
Burgemeester en wethouders van Tilburg hebben, in vervolg op een motie van de gemeenteraad, het KITLV opdracht gegeven een onderzoek uit te voeren naar de koloniale en postkoloniale ...