25 May Yvonne Kunz awarded fellowship at NIAS
The NIAS Fellowship invites Yvonne Kunz, together with Eric Mijts as a fellow from Aruba and Sonny Mumbunan as a fellow from Indonesia to work on their project 'Climate change and the governance ...
The NIAS Fellowship invites Yvonne Kunz, together with Eric Mijts as a fellow from Aruba and Sonny Mumbunan as a fellow from Indonesia to work on their project 'Climate change and the governance ...
From 1900 onwards, more and more Indonesian students came to the Netherlands to study in Leiden. Several of these students also played a role in their country’s nationalist movement and ...
In de 12de subsidieronde van het Dr. Silvia de Groot Fonds werden de subsidieaanvragen van twee jonge Caribische onderzoekers gehonoreerd. Joandi Hartendorp kreeg een toekenning van € 2.500 ...
Together with ten Leiden researchers Joseph Sony Jean received funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Jean will use this grant to develop his research ideas in the coming three years. The VENI grants are awarded annually by NWO....
On Thursday, 7 April 2022, the Saba Heritage Center hosted a community session on research currently being carried out in Saba by the Island(er)s at the Helm programme. Researchers ...
On Tuesday, 5 April, Saba Commissioner for Culture Rolando Wilson, welcomed a team of scientific researchers working at the Saba Heritage Center to his ...
Dr. Antonio Carmona Baez gave a short introduction and presented the new team members. Aga Kuś, Dr. Daphina Misiedjan, Ph.D., Dr. Charissa Granger, Dr. Jaime R. Pagán Jiménez (Ph.D.), and Dr. Kees ...
New advanced article in the New West Indian Guide: 'The Journal of the Galliot Nieuwer Amstel: A 1660 Voyage to Curaçao from New Amsterdam (Manhattan)', by Julie van den Hout, Jaap Jacobs, and Jeroen Dewulf....
Gesprek met Rosemarijn Hoefte in het NOS radioprogramma 'Met het oog op morgen' van 19 maart jl. over de geschiedenis van Surinaamse Javanen. Na de afschaffing van de slavernij in 1863 werden Javanen ...
The New West Indian Guide (NWIG) is a scholarly fully open access journal on the Caribbean, featuring English-language articles in the fields of anthropology, art, archaeology, economics, geography, geology, history, international relations, linguistics, ...