25 Jan New article: ‘The politics of Greater India’
New article by Marieke Bloembergen in the Journal of Comparative Studies in Society and History: 'The Politics of “Greater India,” a Moral Geography: Moveable Antiquities and Charmed ...
New article by Marieke Bloembergen in the Journal of Comparative Studies in Society and History: 'The Politics of “Greater India,” a Moral Geography: Moveable Antiquities and Charmed ...
In het NPO Radio 1 programma Weekendnieuws van 9 januari jl. spraken presentatoren Peter de Bie en Mieke van der Weij met KITLV onderzoeker David Kloos over ...
In het NOS Oranje Jaaroverzicht 2020 praat Gert Oostindie over het bezoek van Koning Willem Alexander aan Indonesië en timing van de de koninklijke excuses voor de excessen die in Indonesië ...
Article with a contribution from Tom Hoogervorst who says the Dutch love of rijsttafel is partly sentimental. Today, he adds, it’s considered part of the Dutch East Indies’ colonial heritage...
The first Inward Outward publication Inward Outward, Critical Archival Engagements with Sounds and Films of Coloniality collects different contributions from speakers...
Livecast Pakhuis De Zwijger: Emancipating history #6: Molukse migratie, emancipatie en protest, met o.a. Fridus Steijlen. Verhalen van Molukse emancipatie en protestbewegingen in Nederland...
'Parties as pay-off seekers: Pre-electoral coalitions in a patronage democracy', article by Adrianus Hendrawan (Australian National University), Ward Berenschot (KITLV), Edward Aspinall (Australian National University) ...
Artikel door Fridus Steijlen, op de website van Museum Maluku. Volgend jaar, 2021, is het 70 jaar geleden dat 12.500 Molukkers – grotendeels ex-KNIL militairen en hun gezinnen...
New open access article by Hoko Horii, in the journal Journal of Human Rights Practice: ‘Legal reasoning for legitimation of child marriage in West Java: ...
KITLV has established a cluster to do research on climate change This is new for us. It is a huge field with a rich literature. Like kids in a candy store , members of the research cluster have been circulating ...