
Jolanda Linssen  finished her bachelor’s degree in Religion and Culture with a minor in Conflict Studies at the University of Utrecht in 2010. The subject of her thesis was the role of fear in (religious) conflicts, and how people often turn to violence as a result from their fear. The human reaction to these kinds of extreme situations is interesting not only from a psychological point of view but also in regard to the course of the conflict and the consequences for the (international) society.

Very commonly, conflict induces waves of migration.  Jolanda is particularly interested in the changes and experiences that people go through personally, as well as the effect that migration has on society. This is why she chose the master’s programme Migration and Global Interdependence at the History department of the University of Leiden as a follow-up in 2013.

Jolanda started as a research intern in KITLV’s project ‘Dutch military operations in Indonesia 1945-1950’ in September 2014.  During her internship she will be mainly analyzing ego-documents of veterans from the Koninklijke Landmacht  who were stationed in Indonesia during this period. In addition, she will also be looking through veteran’s websites and analyzing interviews.