KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
Child marriage is prohibited by international law, yet it is estimated that about 150 million girls will be married in childhood by 2030. What are the consequences of child marriage as these children grow into adulthood, for their households and their own children? Using panel data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey, we follow the lives of a sample of 40,800 women and men for up to two decades and examine the impact of child marriage on a wide range of variables. Child marriage is found to have significant negative impacts on both women and men who marry early, including lesser educational attainment, lower earnings and less say in household decision-making. Women are less likely to have a medically-supervised birth and their children are more likely to die, be stunted and perform worse on cognitive tests. Negative impacts are mostly exacerbated when young girls marry similarly young men.
We warmly invite you to join Professor Lisa Cameron from the University of Melbourne, in conversation with Assistant Professor Margaret Triyana from Wake Forest University, as they discuss one of Indonesia’s most complex social issues: child marriage. This important discussion will be moderated by Associate Professor Samuel Bazzi from UC San Diego.
About the IS4 Series
Sponsored by the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC), the Cornell Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), this virtual seminar series brings together social science experts from across the globe to discuss pressing issues facing Indonesia. In addition to providing in-depth scholarly analysis of social issues in Indonesia, this series will foster new opportunities for networking between those working in Indonesia and around the world.