KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
From 1900 onwards, more and more Indonesian students came to the Netherlands to study in Leiden. Several of these students also played a role in their country’s nationalist movement and the building of an independent Indonesia. This walk takes you to some important places in their lives and introduces a number of the students.
The guides on the tours include members of the Association of Indonesian Students, Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (the PPI) in the Netherlands, the successor to the Indische Vereniging, which was founded in 1908. This walking tour is compiled by KITLV and the Faculty of Humanities – Leiden University, in collaboration with LeidenGlobal for Leiden2022.
This walking tour will be presented several times in English. There are walking tours on 4 June and 2 July.
In Dutch: Wilt u de route liever zelf wandelen? Download dan hier de wandelroute met uitleg.