KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
1. Fritz Edward Siregar (Commissioner of Election Supervisory Board of Republic Indonesia/Bawaslu): Money and Identity Politics: The challenges to Electoral Justice
2. Gerry van Klinken (Professor of Southeast Asian History at University of Amsterdam and senior researcher at KITLV): Ethnic Bossism Explained: A century of Indonesian state formation, 1900-2000
3. Ward Berenschot (Researcher at KITLV): Electoral Campaign and Governance in Indonesia: A case study of local election in Lampung, Kalimantan and Tangerang.
4. Awaludin Marwan (PhD Researcher at Utrecht University/Lakpesdam PCINU Belanda): Never ending discrimination on legal culture
Presented by The Special Branch of Nahdlatul Ulama for The Netherlands (PCINU Belanda)
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