KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
This conference introduces the politics of digital technologies to the Asian Studies community. Presenting original research on the societal impact of the internet, it seeks a greater understanding of how digital technologies both support and undermine the power of political and economic institutions, and shape cultural practices in our region.
As Asianists, we also encounter the politics of digital technologies as funding agencies promote the use of digital research methods, such as text mining and social network analysis. But, how does this affect the ways we undertake and organize our scholarly work?
This conference brings together these two strands of the politics of digital technologies to equip researchers with a 360° view of what is involved in studying the digital.
The first day offers participants the opportunity to learn how to gather and analyse large quantities of text from twitter and digitized materials, contextualized by a roundtable discussion on the challenges of using such digital methods.
The second day provides a forum for research on how digital technologies affect political, economic and cultural life in South, Southeast and East Asia. Invited speakers include Nishant Shah, co-founder of the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, Jack Qiu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and many more.