During Amsterdam Art Week, Framer Framed presents the exhibition Breaking Waves by artist Clara Jo, who has been Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed artist in residence for the past year. Through a story about epidemiological and maritime movement...

‘Continues to amaze me’, ‘it is dangerous’, ‘they drive like lunatics’ – these were some of the comments on social media when friends posted pictures of motorcyclists in Ambon. Last year I took to the streets of Ambon on my motorcycle, travelling...

New article by Vignesh Rajahmani et al. in the London School of Economics South Asia Blog, 'India goes to the polls'. The authors examine the electoral strategies via a resource-discourse-personnel matrix of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The authors present ...

Recent events in Indonesian politics, commonly characterized by chaos and the role that money plays, tell a story of tragedy and farce. The unexpected resignation of Ratu Ngadu Bonu Wollah, once seen as a beacon of hope for women in ...