+31(0)71-527 2381
Sanne graduated cum laude in Humanistics at the University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht. As a research intern at Kosmopolis Institute, Sanne joined the Pluralism Knowledge Program working together with scholars, civil society and social activists from Indonesia, Uganda, India and the Netherlands on attaining in-depth knowledge on transformative spaces of inclusiveness and pluralism. Sanne’s research interests include cross-cultural knowledge, post/decolonial thought, reflexivity and positionality, perception and representation through (media)stories. The latter she explored during her master thesis research on processes of identification and differentiation in the conflict region of Jammu and Kashmir (India).
Her previous work experiences are in public sector consultancy and lecturing BA/MA seminars at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Rotmeijer, S. (2018) Words that Work? Practices of Constructive Journalism in a local Caribbean context. Journalism, first published online (April 25, 2018): https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884918770555
Suransky, C., Van het Klooster, H. & S. Rotmeijer (2010) ‘Het kosmopolitische ethos van het pluraal-performatief denken’, in: Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, 43-44 (11)
Rotmeijer, S. (2010) ‘Standing in Complexity: Positions on Diversity and Conflict‘, Master thesis, University for Humanistic Studies
9 October 2017 | ‘The Privilege to Inform and Be Informed in Post-Irma St. Maarten‘
20 april 2017 | ‘Decolonize the Academic Institute: get rid of it or get it right?‘
8 July 2016 | ‘From Brexit to CuraCiao: Who takes the country back?’
13 February 2015 | ‘How media reflect and shape who we are‘
20 July 2018 | NOS Met het Oog op Morgen: Interview over ‘Nederlands’-Franse grens op St. Maarten.
4 May 2018 | Journalism Research News: ARTICLE: Constructive Journalism in a Caribbean Context.
26 February 2018 | BNR Nieuwsradio: Interview over journalistiek en verkiezingen St. Maarten (luister vanaf 23:30)
8 February 2018 | De Volkskrant: ‘Werk samen en maak het hele Koninkrijk gelijkwaardig‘
14 September 2017 | De Volkskrant: ‘Gelijkwaardig Koninkrijk moet het doel zijn van wederopbouw Sint Maarten’
8 April 2015 | Antilliaans Dagblad: ‘Onderzoek van KITLV naar eilanden’
3 April 2015 | NTR Caribisch Netwerk: ‘Groot onderzoek naar Caribische Rijksdelen‘
2 April 2015 | Dichtbij Nederland: ‘Interview with KITLV researchers about project on the Caribbean‘