KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
The European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) invites scholars to present papers at the EuroSEAS conference in Oxford, 16 to 18 August 2017. For the accepted panels please see below.
If you want to participate in a panel, please send your paper abstract directly to the panel conveners until 15 May 2017 at the latest. EuroSEAS will not accept paper proposals that are not part of a panel.
If your paper is accepted by a panel convener, your registration and payment have to be effected by 31 May 2017 to be part of the programme.
Accepted panels, laboratories and roundtables
Please find the list of accepted panels, roundtables and laboratories here …>>
1 February 2017: Deadline Early Bird fee
15 May 2017: Deadline submission paper proposals.
31 May 2017: Overall registration & payment deadline when organizing a panel and/or presenting a paper.
After 31 May 2017 it is still possible to register and finalize the payment if you wish to join the conference without presenting a paper (spectator).
Conference Registration
Online registration for the conference will start next week. A separate mailing will be sent out inviting you to register.
Thank you very much for your attention!
Kind regards,
The EuroSEAS Panel Committee