This workshop highlights a key feature of ‘Asianmodernity’, by examining the implications of a very rapid move towards mass higher education in Indonesia (and other countries in Southeast Asia), where tertiary education systems are not only expanding, but also becoming more stratified, commercial and international. Throughout the region, higher education has taken on important political and cultural meanings for young people, their families and communities who identify education as a key pathway for improving their life chances. The workshop develops the theme of university campuses as ‘contact zones’ where students imagine their futures, rework their relations to state, family and peers; and encounter changing ideologies and practices about citizenship, knowledge production and meaningful learning.
How have universities coped with growing student numbers and aspirations for (international) social mobility through education degrees? What are the in- and exclusions, opportunities and realities that students encounter in the classroom, on campus and in relation to their job search? And what kind of gendered, religious and class-based lifestyles andidentities are students developing within the space of the university campus?
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Program workshop.
This workshop is organized by KITLV and Leiden University. More information: [email protected]